The Museums of Port Isabel and the
Laguna Madre Museum Foundation are proud to present its “Telling Our Stories”
Series of 2013 on Thursday, February 28th, at the Treasures of the
Gulf Museum, 317 East Railroad Avenue at 7:00 pm. This month’s topic will be on
“Pictorial & Historic Port Isabel” by Valerie Bates.
The evening’s presentation will include historic photos from Valerie Bates’ new book, “Images of America, Port Isabel”. The book features 200 photos which offer a glimpse into Port Isabel’s historic past. Following the presentation, Bates will be signing books.
Please join us as we learn about Port Isabel’s pictorial past. All locals and visitors are welcomed to attend this free presentation. Complimentary drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be provided.
‘Telling Our Stories” is an educational program aimed to preserving the heritage of the City ofPort Isabeland the Laguna Madre area. Our goals are to preserve and educate our local and natural history through presentations and exhibits. The program is co-sponsored by the Museums of Port Isabel and the Laguna Museum Foundation. “Telling Our Stories” is presented on the last Thursday of each month from January through September at the Treasures of the Gulf Museum. Admission is free.
Sponsored by: Southwind Inn
For more information on Telling Our Stories or to help sponsor an event, contact Jeannie Marie A. Flores at (956) 943-7602 or visit or you may also send an email to