January’s Telling Our Stories to feature Gloria Bates “Gone To Texas” Program 1/23 7p

The Museums of Port Isabel and the Laguna Madre Museum Foundation are proud to present its “Telling Our Stories” Series of 2014 on Thursday, January 23th, at the Treasures of the Gulf Museum, 317 East Railroad Avenue at 7:00 pm. This month’s topic will be on “Gone to Texas Tales: G. T. T. ”, a play by Gloria Bates.

Gloria Bates was born in Beloit, Wisconsin where she spent her formative years growing up in the mid-west of the 1930s.  During her college years at the University of Wisconsin, Gloria and friends played in a band called the “Stardusters” they formed in high school and set about entertaining at various venues, Gloria on her trusty Gibson.  In the early 1960s, Gloria and husband Bob and sons Rod and Rex made a trip to south Texas.  In the late 1960s a teaching position in the migrant program in Mercedes made the move permanent and eventually the family moved to Bayside and then to Port Isabel where the family operated Seagull Imports.

Always the entertainer, Gloria continued to take every opportunity to sing and play and then incorporated both talents to play writing.  Upon retiring in November of 2010, Gloria turned her creative talents towards the canvas and has painted a variety of subjects including Day of the Dead, local scenes of cultural interest, and is involved in commission work.  Several galleries in South Texas successfully feature Gloria’s work.

Please join us for an entertaining evening with Gloria Bates’ “Gone to Texas Tales: G. T. T.”. All locals and visitors are welcomed to attend this free presentation. Complimentary drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be provided.

‘Telling Our Stories” is an educational program aimed to preserving the heritage of the City of Port Isabel and the Laguna Madre area. Our goals are to preserve and educate our local and natural history through presentations and exhibits. The program is co-sponsored by the Museums of Port Isabel and the Laguna Museum Foundation. “Telling Our Stories” is presented on the last Thursday of each month from January through September at the Treasures of the Gulf Museum. Admission is free.

Sponsored by: The Museums of Port Isabel

For more information on Telling Our Stories or to help sponsor an event, contact Jeannie Marie A. Flores at (956) 943-7602 or visit www.portisabelmuseums.com or you may also send an email to jrivera@copitx.com.

Kelly Miller Circus is Coming to Town! 2/11-12


Tickets are available at the Museums of Port Isabel, Port Isabel City Hall, Port Isabel Chamber of Commerce and South Padre Islnad Chamber of Commerce. $12 General Admission (before Circus Day); $16 General Admission (on Circus Day). A portion of the proceeds to benefit the Museums of Port Isabel. Call 956/943-7602 for more information. See our facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/642508702476217/.

Local Legend Leslie Blasing to Perform at Museum Fundraiser

Leslie Blasing.

LESLIE BLASING will be performing at the 17th Annual Taste of the Laguna Madre on February 7, 7 p.m. Scheduled to include food, fun and festivities, the Museums’ Annual Fundraiser will be highlighted by Blasing’s appearance. Known for her varied reportiore and themed shows, Blasing has been recognized for her charity work throughout the Rio Grande Valley and beyond.

Tickets on sale at Plains Capital Bank, Port Isabel City Hall, Port Isabel Public Library, Port Isabel Chamber of Commerce, South Padre Island Chamber of Commerce and the Laguna Madre Art Gallery. $25. All you can eat fish & shrimp & more!

The 17th Annual Taste of the Laguna Madre Fundraiser will be held at the Plains Capital Bank, 115 Queen Isabella Blvd. The Museums of Port Isabel is proud to partner with Plains Capital Bank on this festive occasion.

The 17th Annual TASTE of the LAGUNA MADRE will feature the best of what the Laguna Madre has to offer! Fresh FISH and fresh wild caught Gulf SHRIMP! Local restaurants will participate with their best fare! There will be a Sweet Shoppe! Silent Auction! Live Music! Door Prizes and a Raffle for a Grand Prize Basket! To participate as a donor or to reserve your tickets, please contact Museum Director, Jeannie Marie Flores at 956/943-7602 or email: museumdirector@copitx.com. Website: /mopi/2014/01/museums-17th-annual-taste-laguna-madre-celebrates-coastal-culinary-traditions/ See our event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/187392741467606.


Museums’ 17th Annual Taste of the Laguna Madre Celebrates Coastal Culinary Traditions

Since the earliest times when Port Isabel was visited by wintering Karanqua Indians, fishing has been an important part of the Laguna Madre area lifestyle. A 1930s newspaper article listed the wide variety of fish caught including redfish, trout, pike, sheepshead, croaker, pompano and red snapper. Port Isabel was the first location in Texas to ship gutted and gilled fish.

This 1911 photo of the Champion building façade shows the fish painting for which the structure is widely known. The mural features dozens of species of locally found marine life.

In 1929, a cannery was constructed on the channel for the processing of locally caught shrimp. Big schooners hauled their catches to the dock where workers prepared the shrimp for shipment to other parts of the country. By the 1950s Port Isabel was known as the Shrimping Capitol of the World.

This picture postcard from the 1940s illustrates the abundance of shrimp caught in the waters off Port Isabel. In 1958, Port Isabel had 10 processing plants and 173 shrimp boats operating from local docks. During its heyday, Port Isabel’s shrimping industry was responsible for most of the local employment.

Local oysters were in such demand. They seldom made it beyond San Benito and Brownsville. The Port Isabel oyster was small but delicious and could be eaten year round.

On February 7, at 7:00 p.m., the Museums of Port Isabel will be celebrating all things coastal and culinary during their 17th Annual Taste of the Laguna Madre. The evening will feature all you can eat fish and shrimp and sides. Participating local restaurants will bring their best seafood dishes and sweets. This year’s event location will be the Plains Capital Bank, 115 Queen Isabella Blvd. Live music and silent auction will also be part of the evening’s festivities.

Tickets on sale at Plains Capital Bank, Port Isabel City Hall, Port Isabel Public Library, Port Isabel Chamber of Commerce, South Padre Island Chamber of Commerce and the Laguna Madre Art Gallery or by calling Museum Director Jeannie Flores at 956/943-7602. Tickets are $25 per person and include a combination ticket to the Museums of Port Isabel, a raffle ticket for the Grand Prize Basket, all you can eat and drink, live music, silent auction and sweet shoppe. See facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/
. Museum website:  www.portisabelmuseums.com.