Due to predicted inclement weather, Saturday’s Day of
the Dead Celebration has been cancelled.
2015 Day of the Dead Celebration will be held on the grounds of the Port Isabel Event & Cultural Center on Halloween evening from 4 – 11 p.m. Vendor booths, exhibits, hands-on activities, street dance, costume contest, ALL FREE family fun! For event & vendor information contact Jeannie Flores at 956/943-0755 or jrivera@copitx.com.
Gallery Artist Reception: Friday, October 30, from 5 – 8 p.m. The Museums of Port Isabel & the Port Isabel Public Library will co-host a Gallery Artist Reception for participating artists, their family, friends and the public. Day of the Dead and Halloween refreshments will be offered. Come in costume!
Altar Exhibit Submission: Altars must be completed by October 20, 2015. Set up will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Spaces are limited. First come, first served. Altars and artwork* will be on display through November 14, 2015. (*Pumpkin Carving Contest entries will be on display through October 31). Guidelines for Altar Exhibit: Altars should not exceed 6 feet wide by 3 feet deep, and 8 feet tall. Altars can be traditional, abstract, artistic, satiric, personal, or historic. It is the responsibility of person creating altar to bring their own table, furniture, decorations, etc. Candles may be used, but not lit. Perishable food items will not be allowed. Valuable and sentimental items should not be used, i.e., we suggest copying old photos. Fresh flowers maybe used, but must be maintained or replaced as needed. Registration: dod-altar-registration
The Port Isabel Public Library will be offering a full slate of activities leading up to the Gallery Artist Reception. Participants will have their creations displayed during all the Day of the Dead activities. Contact the Port Isabel Public Library (213 N. Yturria St.) at 956/943-1822 for more information or email librarydirector@copitx.com. See library schedule below.
- October 13 (4:30pm – 6pm) – Day of the Dead Art Project
- October 17 (10am – 11:30pm) – Movie Day – Strange Magic
- October 20 (4:30pm – 6pm) – Paper flowers
- October 27 (5pm) – Pumpkin Decorating Contest (bring your decorated pumpkins to the gazebo by the library.)
- October 30 (5pm – 8pm) – Gallery Reception for artists and friends at the Treasures of the Gulf Museum