Lighthouse Market Day (October)



On Saturday, October 12, 2013, the City of Port Isabel and the Port Isabel Museums will be hosting their annual Lighthouse Market Day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the Lighthouse grounds.

Vendors on the Lighthouse Square will be offering a variety of food, antiques, arts & crafts, art and more. For vendor information, click here.

Special admission prices to museums and lighthouse! The Port Isabel Historical Museum and the Treasures of the Gulf Museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will have a special admission price of $1.00 for each site. The Lighthouse will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. also with a special admission price of $1.00. Come join in the fun, enjoy historic Port Isabel during Lighthouse Market Day.

Vendor Space Map: /mopi/programs/lighthouse-market-day-2nd-sat-oct/lhmd-vendor-map/
Vendor Form: /mopi/programs/lighthouse-market-day-2nd-sat-oct/vendor-form/

For more information contact the Museums at (956) 943-7602 or email Jeannie Marie A. Flores at

The Lighthouse Market Day is an extension of the Museums of Port Isabel’s mission to collect, preserve, and interpret the art, history, and culture of the Laguna Madre area through preservation, educational programs, tours, exhibits, and workshops. Held annually in October, Lighthouse Market Day celebrates our historic roots, our community and the beauty of the Port Isabel Lighthouse.